Version 2.3 - 11/27/02 - The CAMPAIGN DUELIST section is more or less complete. I'll be updating one more time to finish this up. I'll consider this my near Final version. Version 2.4 - 12/05/02 - Well, I finally finished what was left of the CARD INFORMATION section (with the exception of some cards which I still do not have).

Thanks to Eric Tremblay for helping me finish the CARD INFORMATION section and to Richard Stinson for fixing a minor problem in the DECK EDIT section. I don't expect to change anything else once this is posted. I've revamped some of the sections and completed the CARD INFORMATION section. Final Version - 01/20/03 - Well, this is it, the Final Version. I made some corrections and a slight format change, too. Updated - 01/30/03 - Thanks to some help, I have been able to update the CARD INFORMATION section. Updated - 02/18/03 - I added some more info and corrected some mistakes. Updated - 03/19/03 - Along with adding some relevant information, I have also added a small FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS section, covering basic questions. YES NO Commands Card Types Monster Types Monster Attributes Magic/Trap Effects DUELING Description of Field Duel Commands Duel Phases Summoning Monsters Fusion Rituals Magic/Trap Chains BUILDING A "GOOD" DECK CAMPAIGN DUELISTS Campaign Introduction Events Dueling First Tier Second Tier Third Tier Fourth Tier Fifth Tier Unlocking the Booster Packs CARD INFORMATION CREDITS and LEGAL STUFF Contributions VERSION HISTORY Updated - 11/19/03 - I've posted a new e-mail address.